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Open Source Code for Advanced Radiation Simulation


A docker image is available for OSCARS. This image includes jupyter so one can simply run the container and point their browser to the correct address, or run OSCARS in the cloud.

You can find the latest version at https://hub.docker.com/r/dhidas/oscars/.

You can run it using the following command, where the first 8888 you can change if you want to change the port on your localhost. For convenience a data/ directory is created which is shared, but it is not necessary.

mkdir data
docker run -d -v `pwd`/data:/oscars/data -p 8888:8888 dhidas/oscars

If you want to run it interactively you can run. For convenience a data/ directory is created which is shared, but it is not necessary.

mkdir data
docker run -it -v `pwd`/data:/oscars/data dhidas/oscars /bin/bash

Last modified: 26 January 2018.
