Source code for oscars.plots_mpl

from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import sqrt

[docs]def plot_trajectory_position(trajectory, show=True, ofile='', axis='Z', figsize=[18, 4.5], ret=False): """Plot the trajectory position. You can optionally change the axis, output to a file, show or not, and return or not :param trajectory: Particle trajectory :type trajectory: list :param show: to show the plot or not :type show: bool :param ofile: output file name :type ofile: str :param axis: which axis to plot trajectory on :type axis: str :param figsize: dimension of the figure :type figsize: list :param ret: to return the plot or not :type ret: bool """ # Get coordinate lists X = [item[0][0] for item in trajectory] Y = [item[0][1] for item in trajectory] Z = [item[0][2] for item in trajectory] if axis is 'X': X1Label = 'X [m]' X2Label = 'Y [m]' X3Label = 'Z [m]' X1 = X X2 = Y X3 = Z elif axis is 'Y': X1Label = 'Y [m]' X2Label = 'Z [m]' X3Label = 'X [m]' X1 = Y X2 = Z X3 = X elif axis is 'Z': X1Label = 'Z [m]' X2Label = 'X [m]' X3Label = 'Y [m]' X1 = Z X2 = X X3 = Y # Plot X and Y vs. Z plt.figure(1, figsize=figsize) plt.subplot(131) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0)) plt.plot(X1, X2) plt.xlabel(X1Label) plt.ylabel(X2Label) plt.title('Particle Trajectory') plt.subplot(132) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0)) plt.plot(X1, X3) plt.xlabel(X1Label) plt.ylabel(X3Label) plt.title('Particle Trajectory') plt.subplot(133) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0,0)) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0)) plt.plot(X2, X3) plt.xlabel(X2Label) plt.ylabel(X3Label) plt.title('Particle Trajectory') if ofile != '': plt.savefig(ofile, bbox_inches='tight') if show == True: if ret is True: return plt return
[docs]def plot_trajectory_velocity(trajectory, show=True, ofile='', figsize=[18, 4.5], ret=False): """Plot the trajectory velocity. You can optionally change the axis, output to a file, show or not, and return or not :param trajectory: Particle trajectory :type trajectory: list :param show: to show the plot or not :type show: bool :param ofile: output file name :type ofile: str :param axis: which axis to plot trajectory on :type axis: str :param figsize: dimension of the figure :type figsize: list :param ret: to return the plot or not :type ret: bool """ # Get coordinate lists VX = [item[1][0] for item in trajectory] VY = [item[1][1] for item in trajectory] VZ = [item[1][2] for item in trajectory] T = range(len(VX)) # Plot VX, VY, VZ vs. T plt.figure(1, figsize=figsize) plt.subplot(131) plt.plot(T, VX) plt.xlabel('T [step]') plt.ylabel('BX []') plt.title('Particle Beta X') plt.subplot(132) plt.plot(T, VY) plt.xlabel('T [step]') plt.ylabel('BY []') plt.title('Particle Beta Y') plt.subplot(133) plt.plot(T, VZ) plt.xlabel('T [step]') plt.ylabel('BZ []') plt.title('Particle Beta Z') if ofile != '': plt.savefig(ofile, bbox_inches='tight') if show == True: if ret: return plt return
[docs]def plot_power_density(V, title='Power Density [$W / mm^2$]', xlabel='X1 Axis [$m$]', ylabel='X2 Axis [$m$]', show=True, ofile='', figsize=None, ret=False): """Plot a 2D histogram with equal spacing""" X = [item[0][0] for item in V] Y = [item[0][1] for item in V] P = [item[1] for item in V] NX = len(np.unique(X)) NY = len(np.unique(Y)) plt.figure(1, figsize=figsize) plt.hist2d(X, Y, bins=[NX, NY], weights=P) plt.colorbar(format='%.0e') #cb.formatter.set_scientific(True) #cb.formatter.set_powerlimits((0, 0))'right') #cb.update_ticks() plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0,0)) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0)) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.title(title) if ofile != '': plt.savefig(ofile, bbox_inches='tight') if show == True: if ret: return plt return
[docs]def plot_flux(V, title='Flux [$\gamma / mm^2 / 0.1\%bw / s]$', xlabel='X1 Axis [$m$]', ylabel='X2 Axis [$m$]', show=True, ofile='', figsize=None, ylim=None, xlim=None, colorbar=True, ret=False): """Plot a 2D histogram with equal spacing""" X = [item[0][0] for item in V] Y = [item[0][1] for item in V] P = [item[1] for item in V] NX = len(np.unique(X)) NY = len(np.unique(Y)) # Size and limits plt.figure(1, figsize=figsize) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) plt.figure(1, figsize=figsize) plt.hist2d(X, Y, bins=[NX, NY], weights=P) #cb.formatter.set_scientific(True) #cb.formatter.set_powerlimits((0, 0))'right') #cb.update_ticks() plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0,0)) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0)) if colorbar is True: plt.colorbar(format='%.0e') plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.title(title) if ofile != '': plt.savefig(ofile, bbox_inches='tight') if show == True: if ret: return plt return
[docs]def plot_spectrum(S, log=False, show=True, ofile='', title='Spectrum', figsize=None, ylim=None, xlim=None, transparent=True, ret=False, **kwargs): """Plot the spectrum""" # Size and limits plt.figure(1, figsize=figsize) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) X = [item[0] for item in S] Y = [item[1] for item in S] plt.plot(X, Y, **kwargs) if log: plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel('Energy [eV]') plt.ylabel('$\gamma / mm^2 / 0.1\%bw / s$') plt.title(title) if ofile != '': plt.savefig(ofile, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=transparent) if show == True: if ret is True: return plt return
def plot_spectra(spectra, label=None, show=True, ofile='', title='', loc='upper left', log=False, xlabel='Energy [eV]', ylabel='[$\gamma / mm^2 / 0.1\%bw / s$]', figsize=None, ylim=None, xlim=None, ret=False, axis=None, transparent=True, **kwargs): # Size and limits plt.figure(1, figsize=figsize) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) for i in range(len(spectra)): s = spectra[i] X = [item[0] for item in s] Y = [item[1] for item in s] if label is not None: if label[i] is not None: plt.plot(X, Y, label=label[i], **kwargs) else: plt.plot(X, Y, **kwargs) else: plt.plot(X, Y, **kwargs) if log: plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(loc=loc) if xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(ylabel) if title == None: title='Spectrum' plt.title(title) if axis is not None: plt.axis(axis) if ofile != '': plt.savefig(ofile, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=transparent) if show == True: if ret: return plt return
[docs]def plot_bfield(osc, mymin=-1, mymax=1, ylim=None, show=True, ofile='', axis='Z', npoints=20000, between_two_points=None, ret=False): """Plot the magnetic field as a function of Z""" P = [] Bx = [] By = [] Bz = [] if between_two_points is not None: p0 = between_two_points[0] p1 = between_two_points[1] step = [ (p1[0] - p0[0]) / float(npoints - 1), (p1[1] - p0[1]) / float(npoints - 1), (p1[2] - p0[2]) / float(npoints - 1)] distance = sqrt( pow(p1[0]-p0[0], 2) + pow(p1[1]-p0[1], 2) + pow(p1[2]-p0[2], 2) ) P = np.linspace(0, distance, npoints) for i in range(npoints): x = p0[0] + step[0] * float(i) y = p0[1] + step[1] * float(i) z = p0[2] + step[2] * float(i) Bx.append(osc.get_bfield([x, y, z])[0]) By.append(osc.get_bfield([x, y, z])[1]) Bz.append(osc.get_bfield([x, y, z])[2]) axis = 'Position' else: P = np.linspace(mymin, mymax, npoints) if axis is 'X': Bx = [osc.get_bfield([p, 0, 0])[0] for p in P] By = [osc.get_bfield([p, 0, 0])[1] for p in P] Bz = [osc.get_bfield([p, 0, 0])[2] for p in P] elif axis is 'Y': Bx = [osc.get_bfield([0, p, 0])[0] for p in P] By = [osc.get_bfield([0, p, 0])[1] for p in P] Bz = [osc.get_bfield([0, p, 0])[2] for p in P] elif axis is 'Z': Bx = [osc.get_bfield([0, 0, p])[0] for p in P] By = [osc.get_bfield([0, 0, p])[1] for p in P] Bz = [osc.get_bfield([0, 0, p])[2] for p in P] else: raise plt.figure(1, figsize=(18, 4.5)) plt.subplot(131) plt.plot(P, Bx) plt.xlabel(axis + ' [m]') plt.ylabel('Bx [T]') plt.ylim(ylim) plt.subplot(132) plt.plot(P, By) plt.xlabel(axis + ' [m]') plt.ylabel('By [T]') plt.ylim(ylim) plt.subplot(133) plt.plot(P, Bz) plt.xlabel(axis + ' [m]') plt.ylabel('Bz [T]') plt.ylim(ylim) if ofile != '': plt.savefig(ofile, bbox_inches='tight') if show == True: if ret: return plt return
[docs]def plot_efield(osc, mymin=-1, mymax=1, ylim=None, show=True, ofile='', axis='Z', npoints=20000, between_two_points=None, ret=False): """Plot the electric field as a function of Z""" P = [] Bx = [] By = [] Bz = [] if between_two_points is not None: p0 = between_two_points[0] p1 = between_two_points[1] step = [ (p1[0] - p0[0]) / float(npoints - 1), (p1[1] - p0[1]) / float(npoints - 1), (p1[2] - p0[2]) / float(npoints - 1)] distance = sqrt( pow(p1[0]-p0[0], 2) + pow(p1[1]-p0[1], 2) + pow(p1[2]-p0[2], 2) ) P = np.linspace(0, distance, npoints) for i in range(npoints): x = p0[0] + step[0] * float(i) y = p0[1] + step[1] * float(i) z = p0[2] + step[2] * float(i) Bx.append(osc.get_efield([x, y, z])[0]) By.append(osc.get_efield([x, y, z])[1]) Bz.append(osc.get_efield([x, y, z])[2]) axis = 'Position' else: P = np.linspace(mymin, mymax, npoints) if axis is 'X': Bx = [osc.get_efield([p, 0, 0])[0] for p in P] By = [osc.get_efield([p, 0, 0])[1] for p in P] Bz = [osc.get_efield([p, 0, 0])[2] for p in P] elif axis is 'Y': Bx = [osc.get_efield([0, p, 0])[0] for p in P] By = [osc.get_efield([0, p, 0])[1] for p in P] Bz = [osc.get_efield([0, p, 0])[2] for p in P] elif axis is 'Z': Bx = [osc.get_efield([0, 0, p])[0] for p in P] By = [osc.get_efield([0, 0, p])[1] for p in P] Bz = [osc.get_efield([0, 0, p])[2] for p in P] else: raise plt.figure(1, figsize=(18, 4.5)) plt.subplot(131) plt.plot(P, Bx) plt.xlabel(axis + ' [m]') plt.ylabel('Ex [V/m]') plt.ylim(ylim) plt.subplot(132) plt.plot(P, By) plt.xlabel(axis + ' [m]') plt.ylabel('Ey [V/m]') plt.ylim(ylim) plt.subplot(133) plt.plot(P, Bz) plt.xlabel(axis + ' [m]') plt.ylabel('Ez [V/m]') plt.ylim(ylim) if ofile != '': plt.savefig(ofile, bbox_inches='tight') if show == True: if ret: return plt return
[docs]def total_power(pd): """Calculate the total power in a uniform grid. This will not work for a non-uniform grid. Different NX and NY are ok.""" X = [item[0][0] for item in pd] Y = [item[0][1] for item in pd] P = [item[1] for item in pd] NX = len(np.unique(X)) NY = len(np.unique(Y)) dx = (max(X) - min(X)) / (NX - 1) dy = (max(Y) - min(Y)) / (NY - 1) return dx * dy * sum(P) * 1e6
[docs]def plot_electric_field_vs_time(efield, show=True, ofile='', ret=False): """Plot the electric field as a function of time""" T = [item[0] for item in efield] Ex = [item[1][0] for item in efield] Ey = [item[1][1] for item in efield] Ez = [item[1][2] for item in efield] plt.figure(1, figsize=(18, 9)) plt.subplot(131) plt.plot(T, Ex) plt.xlabel('T [s]') plt.ylabel('Ex') plt.title('Electric Field (Ex)') plt.figure(1, figsize=(18, 9)) plt.subplot(132) plt.plot(T, Ey) plt.xlabel('T [s]') plt.ylabel('Ey') plt.title('Electric Field (Ey)') plt.figure(1, figsize=(18, 9)) plt.subplot(133) plt.plot(T, Ez) plt.xlabel('T [s]') plt.ylabel('Ez') plt.title('Electric Field (Ez)') if ret: return plt return