Undulator Power Density

This is a simple example of how to calculate a power density distribution from an undulator.

In [1]:
# Plots inline for notebook
%matplotlib inline

# Import the OSCARS SR module
import oscars.sr

# Optionally import the plotting tools (matplotlib)
from oscars.plots_mpl import *
OSCARS v2.1.8 - Open Source Code for Advanced Radiation Simulation
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton NY, USA
In [2]:
# Create a new OSCARS object.  Default to 8 threads and always use the GPU if available
osr = oscars.sr.sr(nthreads=8, gpu=1)

Undulator Field

Create a simple undulator field

In [3]:
# Clear all existing fields and create an undulator field
osr.add_bfield_undulator(bfield=[0, 1, 0], period=[0, 0, 0.050], nperiods=31)

Particle Beam and Trajectory

Define a particle beam, in this case a 3 [GeV] electron beam. You must also define the start and stop times for the calculation.

In [4]:
# Define simple electron beam
osr.set_particle_beam(energy_GeV=3, x0=[0, 0, -1], current=0.5)

# Define the start and stop times for the calculation
osr.set_ctstartstop(0, 2)

Calculate Power Density

Calculate the spectrum 30 [m] downstream from the center of the device on a rectangular surface.

In [5]:
# Calculate spectrum at 30 [m].  Note use of the nthreads argument.
power_density = osr.calculate_power_density_rectangle(
    width=[0.05, 0.05],
    npoints=[101, 101],
    translation=[0, 0, 30]

Plot Power Density

With the oscars.plots_mpl module you can plot the power density (and many other things)

In [6]:
# Plot power density